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Account with an Innapropriate username Empty Account with an Innapropriate username

2024-06-08, 14:33
I am writing to report an account with an inappropriate username on your platform. The username in question is "CheeksPPClapper" This username violates the community guidelines as it contains offensive language/imagery and is not suitable for a public platform.

I came across this username while browsing the website and immediately recognized its inappropriate nature. Such usernames not only create a negative environment but also go against the values of inclusivity and respect the platform strives to maintain.

I kindly request that the necessary actions be taken to address this issue promptly. This may include reaching out to the account holder to change their username to something more appropriate or suspending the account if deemed necessary.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I believe by promptly addressing inappropriate content, we can contribute to a more positive and respectful online community.

Sincerely, ( Kelsy2901/TheAngryPheonix ).
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